Should your business floor mat have a business logo? Good question.
If you’ve seen business floor mats before, you know that they can vary quite a bit. Sometimes business floor mats have logos, and sometimes they don’t. Leaving an impact on your customer is ultimately your end goal. Commercial entrance mats may benefit from having a logo on them, but it depends on what your particular needs are.
If you’re wondering whether business floor mats should have logos, read on to see some potential benefits to doing so. Remember that your business floor mats can be one of the best ways to establish your business and help give your customers and guests the best experience possible!
Reinforce Your Brand
By placing your business floor mats in high-traffic areas, you can help let your customers and guests know who you are and what you’re about. Your logo is at the forefront of your brand image. It’s the quickest, most accessible way of saying, “here’s who we are and what we do.” These days, space is at such a premium. It’s hard to justify extra signage where you could otherwise advertise products, services, or special deals you have going on. Instead, take advantage of otherwise unused space—the floor—with logo-adorned business floor mats.
Advertise Yourself
Your business floor mats are likely going to be used around the entrance and exits of your building. That’s a fantastic way to catch someone’s eye when they’re walking by, letting them know that your business is in the neighborhood and enticing them to check you out. A bright, instantly-recognizable logo that also serves to let potential customers know what your business does is a fantastic asset to have. Logo mats are great for advertising your business and letting people know what you’re all about and where to find you.
Always a Safe Pick
Many times, floor mats can be about creating a safer environment by soaking up moisture and preventing people from slipping. In that sense, they’re certainly safe; but they’re also safe in another sense, in that they’re reliable, have been used for decades, and are established as a great way to give some professionalism to your business. By adding a logo to your business floor mats, you can be certain you’re going the tried and true route.
Contact Grizzly Mats for Floor Mat Services!
Grizzly Mats LLC serves the Baltimore-Washington, D.C. area and all commercial businesses in the U.S. Our mission is to provide all customers with proper floor mat products and service while building long-lasting relationships through respect, honesty, and our undivided attention. Our goal is to provide all of our customers with the highest quality mat products that will maintain a safe and professional-looking environment throughout their facilities.
See our contact page, call us at 410-671-0943, or email us at [email protected] for more information on our floor mat services or our towels, aprons, wet and dust mops, and air freshener services. Visit our Grizzly Mats Online Marketplace to find all kinds of mats for purchase. Last but not least, don’t forget to visit us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest!