Create the most effective custom logo design with this advice.
Custom logo mats are a fantastic way to perform passive marketing. When people see a tangible image of your company logo, the image will stay in their minds for a long time, helping spread awareness of your brand. Custom logo mat design takes some thought and experimentation; these tips can help you come up with the best design.
Determine Mat Placement & Measurements
The placement and type of mat you use will influence the custom logo mat design. Before customizing the floor mat, the best method is to choose the mat type and size first. With Grizzly Mats, you can purchase outdoor and indoor entrance mats of varying dimensions. These quality floor mats will help keep your building clean and dry.
Orient the Logo Right-Side Up
Once you have chosen your entrance mats, it’s time to consider how to orient the logo and company name. The logo and company name should always be right-side up to the person walking into or out of the building. Therefore, if your custom logo mat has a landscape (horizontal) orientation or a portrait (vertical) orientation, place the logo accordingly so that it is upright.
Use an Image Plus a Custom Logo
There are at least two options for designing your custom logo mat. One is to center your logo and the company name on the mat. Another is to fill the mat surface with an image and place the logo and name at one corner, usually the bottom right. The image should encapsulate what your company or the facility stands for. For example, a bagel shop mat might feature an image of bagels along with the logo and shop name.
Keep the Design Simple
Whichever design you go with, the design should be simple. A simple, succinct design is the best. Even if you are tempted to use many patterns and elements, the simpler your design can be, the better.
Coordinate Colors
The overall color scheme of your floor mats should go with your brand’s colors. Your building’s branded colors and employee uniform colors should be cohesive with the branded floor mats. If you have questions, we are happy to give advice on your custom logo mat design.
Contact Grizzly Mats for Floor Mat Services!
Grizzly Mats LLC serves the Baltimore-Washington, D.C. area and all commercial businesses in the U.S. Our mission is to provide all customers with proper floor mat products and service while building long-lasting relationships through respect, honesty, and our undivided attention. Our goal is to provide all of our customers with the highest quality mat products that will maintain a safe and professional-looking environment throughout their facilities.
See our contact page, call us at 410-671-0943, or email us at [email protected] for more information on our floor mat services or our towels, aprons, wet and dust mops, and air freshener services. Visit our Grizzly Mats Online Marketplace to find all kinds of mats for purchase. Last but not least, don’t forget to visit us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest!